Monday, January 28, 2008

I never look forward to Sunday nights

Photo: ricmcarthur on Flickr

In tears, with a friend's arm neatly tucked in mine-telling me that it will be okay and these feelings will not last. I hope he's right.

These tears, they come one by one...I can feel each one fall separately down my cheeks. It's like an overpowering surge of a million feelings combining and falling from my eyes. The headache that won't go away. The stress that's pumping through my veins. The need for gravol to fall asleep.

And I don't know what to do about it...
about all these ideas...
about starting new,
about feeling far away.

I'm curled up so tight that the bones in my shoulders look like they're going to poke right out through my skin... Is this what this is supposed to feel like? Knots- that tightness- that ache where the butterflies live...


Anonymous said...

It will get easier...take deep breaths...take it easy on yourself, kid.

PatZ said...

think happy thoughts. and read . because let's face it, nothing makes you smile like animals in fun poses.

Raul said...


Big hugs to you. I can tell you, no matter what people say, it's still hard, but you'll get through it. I have. And now I look forward to sunday nights all the time.

Jennifer Robertson said...

thanks for the positive vibes guys!! xo