Sunday, May 24, 2009

Boom Boom Pow

On Saturday night, we rounded up the troops for an evening of fun. A limo picked us up after dinner and drinks at Jimmy Mac's and took us to Foggy Dew where we drank, danced and got our party on. The after-party happened back at Tom and Danielle's place. Danielle, of course, was happy to make a massive, incredible meal for all of her guests at 4am. She fed everybody (twice) and somehow, we managed to keep the party going until 6am- insanity. Super fun times. God knows that I can't pull off nights like that on a regular basis anymore, but it sure is a blast to pretend I'm 19 again every now and then.

"The happiest moments my heart knows are those in which it is pouring forth its affections to a few esteemed characters." - Thomas Jefferson


Unknown said...

Sounds like a fun night! xo

Candace said...

Fuuuun! I love what you're wearing- is that a top? Where's it from?

Brandi said...

Sounds like you guys had a good time. I wish I could party until 6am, but I usually pass out by 11.

Jennifer Robertson said...

@Candace Thanks! Yep, it's a top from French Connection.

@Brandi Haha, usually I'm passed out by 11 too- this was a rare occasion, for sure!