Sunday, October 14, 2007

Your forgiveness ain't a neighbourhood I'm looking to live in, maybe...

It's Sunday evening and I have spent the whole day with my parents and my grandparents. Mellow, and just what I needed this day to be. Thankfully, I wasn't put in a situation where I had to face my past last night in the way that I had imagined having to. I feel very over what used to seem exciting. I'm not entirely sure what a good replacement could be, or if there even will be one; but for a Saturday night in the valley, a few glasses of wine and some therapeutic conversation did me just fine. At the moment, I feel uncomfortably trapped between the past and the future. I feel impatient with the present, wanting so badly to jump right into the next phase. Nothing makes sense and everything feels disconnected. Why do some people have to be such assholes? I need to stand my ground, I am painfully aware of that at the moment.


PatZ said...

yeah but sometimes when you're in limbo like that you get some good perspectives on which way to go.

Jennifer Robertson said...

That's a very good way to look at it Pat.

Anonymous said...

>> Why do some people have to be such assholes?

To help you appreciate the good ones :D